嗨,我叫格伦。我是密苏里州圣路易斯市劳森产品公司的。我想在这里花几分钟时间,向你们展示我们的一些设备。我们是一家完整的丝网印刷设备和用品制造商,我们生产全自动打印机的完整生产线。今天我想在展会上向你们展示的是我们的一款半自动打印机。我们称这种打印机为迷你打印机或迷你骑兵VC。它有各种不同的配置,我们有一些额外的功能,但这是我们的迷你骑兵VC基础。这是为介绍人准备的;有人正在考虑摆脱手工打印进入半自动打印。首先,我想向你们展示的是这是一个非常安全的机器。 It doesn't use any motorized carousel; it's strictly a manual carousel, something very similar to what you would be using currently with your manual printer. What also makes this machine very unique is that it's automated. So all we have to do is, once the screens are in the machine, press the foot pedal, which it's foot-pedal operated. All of the print heads that are turned on will print, as you can see, and it's finished! So here we have a four color print on a four color machine. Again, we do have to rotate the carousel manually, and we have a four color print. Now what automation is going to give the person, it's going to give them repeat-ability because I don't have to pull the squeegee anymore. It's going to give me consistency Each print is consistent, the ink deposit is consistent from top to bottom, and it's doing it with basically an unskilled laborer. I can take anybody who's never ever printed before, teach them very quickly how to load and unload a t-shirt, spin the carousel, take the shirt off, place it onto the dryer, grab another t-shirt 9in this case we're just using a test print) lay it onto the platen, print it again, and we have another shirt. We also manufacture a shuttle flash that will allow us to print and flash at the same print station. Unlike many of the other manufacturers out there that make automatic printers, wherever they use a shuttle flash or a shuttle print, we actually lose that print head. But on a Lawson machine our shuttle flash actually shuttles underneath the screen and shuttles back so we can print and flash at the same print head. This is a true four color, six station printer.