
  • 来自乌拉诺公司(Ulano Corporation)的乔治·勒克(George Legh)页面花了一些时间在劳森(Lawson)演示其暴露计算器。这部有价值的可重复使用的测试膜使屏幕打印机可以准确确定其最佳曝光时间。这Ulano暴露计算器可从Lawson的Estore获得。

  • 嗨,我是Ulano Corporation的George Legh页面。我在圣路易斯的Lawson Screen&Digital Products。今天,我将向您展示进行曝光计算的申请。乌拉诺(Ulano)出售一种曝光计算器,您将看到它是一个五步滤波器,可与毛细管膜一起使用,甚至更好地使用自己的阳性之一。因为那些使用激光胶片或牛皮纸的人通过使用自己的胶片或类型的正面胶片而不是通常不会暴露的胶片,从而获得更准确的阅读。但是,正如您在此计算器上看到的那样,您有五个步骤。这里的清晰区域是没有过滤器的百分之一百。它更黑,缩小。您有70%的过滤器,百分之五十,百分之三十三,最黑暗的过滤区域是25%。因此,使用胶片的一个屏幕,它可以通过这些过滤器将五个不同的曝光时间到一个屏幕上。 Most of you will do a screen it doesn't work; it doesn't work, until finally something works, but you never know what the next step would look like. So, ideally with your exposure calculator you are taking a time that is basically longer than presently what you are shooting. So, for example, if I was going to shoot this velum I would put the five step filter over my image area, and if I'm presently at a five or six minute exposure rate with your light, (and these will work on any type of light source you may use) what you want to do is double up your time. By doubling up your time that means that your present time is going to fall in this mid-scale, fifty percent region. So if we go from five minutes to ten minutes, at the end of this we wash this out we've got ten minutes, seven minutes, five minutes, three and a half minutes and two minutes. So, it allows you to go from hopefully under exposed to over exposed, and that's the value of an exposure calculator. One screen with five different ranges of exposure times.

    我们刚刚完成的是暴露我们的曝光计算器,我现在正在清洗。我们所做的是在两分钟的时间内完全曝光。正如您将通过100%的过滤器开始看到的那样,这是两分钟,占两分钟的70%,五十%(在此范围内为一分钟),两分钟的三十三分三十三分,25%的两分钟。您会在这里看到颜色大纲是有色的,这意味着您不会一直链接整个乳液。在这里以百分之一百的速度,我们仍然能够保持公牛的眼睛标记或注册标记,并且这里也没有更改颜色轮廓。如果您从背面看它,这是露出光线的最远部分,您将在这里看到它在25%的范围内的柔软和粘性。这告诉您在那儿,您还没有暴露出所有乳液的乳液。因此,您显然要洗净这些层,并且会涂上较薄的乳液,也许会导致更多的针孔或早期故障。这里仍然有一些变化,但是在33%的过滤器上有些困难。在50%的情况下,它更加坚固,但是从颜​​色范围和分辨率下,我们的最佳曝光时间在这里稳定,达到百分之七十,达到百分之一百。 So, between two minutes and seventy percent (a little less), maybe a minute and three quarters would be my best time. So that's the value of an exposure calculation; by using your film positive with five different time values: one hundred percent, seventy, fifty, thirty three, and twenty five. Any time you feel it slimy on the back side that is a symptom that you need to increase your time. So, if you invest in one, it is one of the best investments you will do because it is reusable whether you change the light source or change the products that you use. You can always go back and do your exposure calculation.






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